This is a novel, a work of fiction. Whilst all additional material, imaginings and mistakes are my own, I still extend grateful thanks to those listed below:
- Abels, Richard, Alfred the Great and Aethelred ‘the Unready’: the Viking Wars in England, academia.edu, 2014
- Abels, Richard, Alfred the Great: War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, Pearson Education Ltd, 1998
- Abels, Richard, English Logistics and Military Administration 871-1066, Articles from Avalon Blog, 2012
- Abels, Richard, Alfred and his Biographers: Images and Imagination, Cambridge University Press, 2012
- Abels, Richard, Lordship and Military Obligation in Anglo-Saxon England, British Museum Publications, 1988
- Adams, Max, The Viking Wars, Pegasus Books, 2019
- Asser, John, translated by Albert S Cook, Life of King Alfred, Project Gutenberg, 2020
- Biddle, Martin and Kjolbye-Biddle, Birthe, Repton and the ‘great heathen army’ 873-874, Oxbow Books, 2001
- Blair, John, Building Anglo-Saxon England, Princeton University Press, 2018
- Brunning, Richard, Avalon Marshes Archaeology, South West Heritage Trust, 2017
- Brunning, Richard, The Lost Islands of Somerset, South West Heritage Trust, 2019
- Campbell, James, (editor), The Anglo-Saxons, Penguin Books, 1991
- Campbell, James, The Anglo-Saxon State, Hambledon, 2000
- Chaney, William A, The Cult of Kingship in Anglo-Saxon England, Manchester University Press, 1970
- Costen, Michael, Anglo-Saxon Somerset, Oxbow Books, 2011
- Crossley-Holland, Kevin (translator), The Anglo-Saxon World – An Anthology, Oxford University Press, 1999
- Davenport, Peter, Roman Bath, The History Press, 2021
- Davenport, Peter, Medieval Bath Uncovered, Tempus Publishing Ltd, 2002
- Davis, RHC, From Alfred the Great to Stephen, Hambledon Press, 1991
- Fell, Christine, Women in Anglo-Saxon England, Collonade Books, 1984
- Flemming, Robin, Britain After Rome, Penguin Books, 2011
- Giles, J A (translator) and Hoyt, Bill (editor), The Chronicle of Fabius Ethelwerd, Kindle, 2015
- Graham-Campbell, James, The Viking World, Frances Lincoln Ltd, 2001
- Haslam, Jeremy (editor), Anglo-Saxon Towns, Phillimore, 1984
- Higham, Nicholas and Ryan, Martin (editors), The Anglo-Saxon World, Yale University Press, 2015
- Hill, David, An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon England, Basil Blackwell, 1981
- Hill, Paul, The Anglo-Saxons at War 800-1066, Pen & Sword, 2018
- Hooke, Della (editor), Anglo-Saxon Settlements, Basil Blackwell, 1988
- Horspool, David, Alfred the Great, Amberley Publishing, 2014
- Hunter Blair, Peter, Anglo-Saxon England, CUP, 1977
- Kelly, Paul, King Alfred: A Man on the Move, Black Slash Publications, 2019
- Keynes, Simon and Lapidge, Michael (translators), Alfred the Great – Asser’s Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources, Penguin Books, 1983
- Keynes, Simon, King Alfred and the Mercians – in Kings, Currencies & Alliances, The Boydell Press, 1998. Ed: Mark Blackburn
- Keynes, Simon, The Control of Kent in the Ninth Century, Early Medieval Europe, 1993
- Lapidge, Michael, The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, Blackwell, 1999
- Leonard, John K, Rites of Marriage in the Western Middle Ages, in Medieval Liturgy, Garland Publishing, 1997
- Lynch, Joseph H, Christianizing Kingship, Cornell University Press, 1998
- Magnusson, Magnus, The Vikings, Tempus Publishing, 2000
- McGrail, Sean, Boats of the World, OUP, 2001
- Morris, Marc, The Anglo-Saxons, Hutchinson, 2021
- Parker, Eleanor, Winters in the World, Reaktion Books, 2021
- Paxton, Frederick S, Christianizing Death, Cornell University Press, 1990
- Peddie, John, Alfred the Warrior King, Sutton Publishing, 1999
- Pollard, Justin, Alfred the Great, John Murray, 2005
- Pratt, David, The Illnesses of King Alfred the Great, in Anglo-Saxon England 30, CUP, 2000
- Regia Anglorum website
- Reynolds, Andrew, Later Anglo-Saxon England – Life & Landscape, Tempus, 2003
- Richards, Julian, Blood of the Vikings, BBC, 1996
- Roesdahl, Else, The Vikings, Penguin Books, 1998
- Shapland, Michael, Meanings of Timber and Stone in Anglo-Saxon Building Practice, in Medieval History and Archaeology, Oxford University Press, 2013
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- Sharp, Tony, Wessex Resurgent, Academia.eu
- Sheldon, Gwendolyn, Ealhswith, Alfred the Great’s Queen, in Anglo-Saxon Women, John Carrol University, 2017
- Siddorn, J Kim, Viking Weapons and Warfare, Tempus, 2003
- Smyth, Alfred P, King Alfred the Great, OUP, 1995
- Stenton, Frank, Anglo-Saxon England, OUP, 1971
- Sturdy, David, Alfred the Great, Constable, 1996
- Swanton, MJ, King Alfred’s Ships, in Anglo-Saxon England 28, CUP, 1999
- The British Museum’s Anglo-Saxon Collection
- The Viking Boat Museum, Roskilde, Denmark
- Underwood, Richard, Anglo-Saxon Weapons and Warfare, Tempus, 2001
- Videen, Hannah, The Word Hord, Profile Books, 2021
- West Stow Anglo-Saxon village
- Whitehead, Annie, Duties and Obligations in Tenth-Century England, English Historical Fiction Authors, 2020
- Wicks, Phyllis, The Evolution of the English Coronation Ceremony, Widowinde, 2021
- Wilson, Ginty, The Court of King Alfred, Radio 3’s The Essay, 2014
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